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Documentary: The Secret Dancer

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The secret dancer: Paris.. the City that I love to visite the most of all city’s, it has it all..
I never felt more at home in a city.. as Paris. This summer at Paris plages, I have met a variety of people, all artist on itself.

This man is a dancer. He danced for 3 days in a row. This man.. has no name.. at least.. that he didn’t want to share with me. He comes out of Africa and moved to Paris to follow his education at a school for technic.
In his heart he is a dancer, except that isn’t approved by his family, or in his culture to make money with. Comes with that he needs to support his family financially. That is expected of him.

This man.. actually.. moved more to Paris to dance and to be himself.. than to do an education that he actually.. didn’t wan to do.. or like in the 1st place.. whenever he can.. he dances.. that is why he moved to Paris.. to be.. more free. Free of judgement.. boxes and to be himself. In Paris.. it can.. i would refere to this man.. the man on the move.. of freedom..

Other photos taken:


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